Fine-tuned CLIP vs Zero-Shot CLIP for search, here are the results

Background The OpenAI CLIP is a neural network trained on a wide variety of images with a wide variety of natural language supervision that’s abundantly available on the internet. It is capable to map text and image embeddings into the same semantic space and make them comparable.

On training the Large Language Model for Embeddings

Numerous challenges faced worldwide can be effectively tackled through the applications of search, clustering, recommendation, or classification - all domains where embeddings excel. For instance, the task of locating research papers based on keywords becomes arduous when numerous synonymous terms exist. However, embeddings seamlessly simplify this process.

Our Journey Towards Build Model Finetuning as Service

Background Deep learning for Information Retrieval is non-trivial. Most of the people who have a background in Information Retrieval in industry lack of proper deep learning knowledge. On the other hand, people research deep learning care a lot about classification, segmentation rather than search.